Mobilizing Symphony
A platform that uses classical music to capture and reflect the complex scientific, cultural, and political barriers to innovation.
About Initiative
Community Circle (formerly RESEAU CMI) has joined forces with Italy's Bazzini Consort symphony to explore the impacts of climate change on water – and our everyday lives. Together, we have launched Mobilizing Symphony, a platform that uses classical music to capture and reflect the complex scientific, cultural, and political barriers to innovation aimed at improving access to potable water worldwide.
Related Initiatives
Braiding Knowledge Systems
Empowering Indigenous communities through youth engagement and technology adoption to address social, economic and environmental challenges.
Open Circle Series
Discussion sessions designed to help innovators develop broader, richer, and more refined lines of inquiries.
Treading Water
An innovative play that brings to life the rich stories discovered during community collaborations.
Youth (K-12) Engagement
An open competition to ignite a passion for science and innovation, business creation, community health, water-health and community service in young Indigenous people.
Support Water Health
You can help increase access to clean, safe water in Indigenous and rural communities. Consider becoming a Community Circle partner or investor to increase the impact and scope of our work.